Get Involved

Support Maine Community Integration’s mission by donating, sponsoring or volunteering today!

We appreciate all donations and volunteer efforts that help us implement, maintain and extend our programs for New Mainer girls and others in the Lewiston-Auburn community. Please contact our team at 207-777-4765 to find out more about how to get involved.



Donate today to support Maine Community Integration’s vital work to uplift New Mainer girls and other youth and their families in Lewiston-Auburn! Every donation makes a huge impact for our small nonprofit.



Is your business interested in sponsoring MCI’s vital work to uplift New Mainers and other youth and families in the Lewiston-Auburn community? We would be grateful for your company to underwrite one of our programs or events. Please contact us at 207-777-4762 to discuss sponsorship opportunities.



Volunteer with MCI and make a difference! You can help in ways that fit your skill set and time.

Volunteer opportunities include:

• serving on our board
• assisting with fundraising and grant writing
• running and coordinating our programs and events
• providing snacks and other items for the youth we serve
• organizing our offices and helping with administrative tasks


Donate today to support Maine Community Integration’s vital work to uplift New Mainer girls and other youth and their families in Lewiston-Auburn! Every donation makes a huge impact for our small nonprofit.


Is your business interested in sponsoring MCI’s vital work to uplift New Mainers and other youth and families in the Lewiston-Auburn community? We would be grateful for your company to underwrite one of our programs or events. Please contact us at 207-777-4762 to discuss sponsorship opportunities.


Volunteer with MCI and make a difference! You can help in ways that fit your skill set and time.

Volunteer opportunities include:

• serving on our board
• assisting with fundraising and grant writing
• running and coordinating our programs and events
• providing snacks and other items for the youth we serve
• organizing our offices and helping with administrative tasks

Thank you to our support partners.

Androscoggin Land Trust

Maine Audubon

Healthy Androscoggin

Hurricane Island Outward
Bound School

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Lewiston Public Works

City of Lewiston’s Choice Neighborhood

Healthy Homeworks
Maine Family Planning
Bates College
Maine People’s Alliance
Wabanaki Alliance
Munka Studio
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